Cannabis is a controversial subject matter in the last few many years, and the information you get regarding the subject could be quite different from the reality.

In most countries around the globe Cannabis is not legal, however users are still taking the drug, therefore there should be a database of knowledge about the use of it. The information we gather through research on Cannabis could make us think it is a dangerous drug. Cannabis as a substance is extremely harmful to us, but it’s not.

There is a claim that cannabis could cause mental illness and also physical effects, but there isn’t any evidence to support this assertion, and the research that these bodies performed to support these claims could be a bit irrelevant to us. weed delivery

There are many useful products and information that we can benefit from Cannabis, like hemp Clothing as well as food items, building materials and studies on the effects of Cannabis use to treat mental disorders like anxiety or depression. The state in California and the US it is legal to use cannabis for smoking if you suffer from anxiety or depression. as well as other mental illnesses , and this brings us to ask, should cannabis cause a variety of mental disorders, why is it used in different parts of the world as a method of therapeutic assistance to sufferers of similar illnesses? weed delivery ottawa

If you do a search for Cannabis on the internet, the most likely source of information you’ll find is the same research carried out by the same group of people, without any connection to us. The reason for this is that the studies conducted to prove these claims can’t be proven by Humans since it is classified as “unethical” This is my personal answer to the above question. The authorities behind the research do not wish to provide us with reliable facts about Cannabis? because it could undermine their campaign of smear against it. weedpins